Nutrition Secrets To Lose Weight

Most people confuse "eating healthy" with "losing weight". They are not the same thing. However, if done right, it is possible to lose a lot of ugly bodyfat while following a nutritional eating plan.

Fortunately, this article will give you clear & easy rules to follow. It will tell you what to do - and what to avoid doing - so you can lose weight healthily while maintaining good nutrition.

First, you need to learn what to avoid.

Avoiding the Bad Guys
bad nutrition advice

The Big Corporations behind the most popular Franchise diets (you know them - they advertise everywhere) have made a lot of money, thanks to the confusion regarding good nutrition. Every year it seems, there's another "fad" diet being recommended. And despite the claims by the popular Big Franchises that their diets work, the population as a whole keeps getting fatter.

Which brings us to the greediest corporations of all - the Fake News outlets of the mainstream media. With their constant barrage of fake headlines ("Fat is bad!", "Carbs are bad!", "Sugar is bad!", "Salt is bad!", "Eggs are bad!", "Grains are bad!", "Meats are bad!") - it's a wonder we're allowed to eat anything at all!

If you want to lose weight - and do it using the best nutrition - the first thing you need to do is stop reading and watching those members of the mainstream media who have been confirmed to be Fake News.

Another big mistake to avoid, is choosing a nutritional weight loss plan that is far too restrictive. This includes especially, the many low calorie diets out there. But it's not just calories - a diet plan can be bad for you, if it stops you from eating so many food groups, that you begin to suffer nutritional deficiencies.

And then there's the well-documented Discipline-Binge cycle. When people follow a too-strict diet, they start out by being very disciplined until something goes wrong in their life (or temptation becomes too great), and then they binge on the food/foods they miss most. After the binge, they beat themselves up with guilt. Finally, after a few of these binge cycles - they give up.

If you want to lose weight - and do it in a healthy nutritional way - you need to follow a weight loss system that allows you to eat enough to avoid hunger AND get all the nutrients your body requires.

The Fatal Fat Secret
nutrition fat secrets

What about Fat?

For many decades, people were told to avoid eating fat completely. We now know, that advice is not only wrong - it can be fatal.

The famous Dr. Atkins was the first (in modern times) to expose this lie. Since then, many medical studies have confirmed the damage caused by following low-fat diets that exclude the "essential fats" our bodies need.

But fat has the most calories (i.e. more than carbs or protein), so won't eating fat, make you fat?

Yes, but only if you eat a lot of it. And you don't have to eat a lot, to ensure you get your daily requirement.

A secret for healthy nutrition, is to avoid all "bad" fats, while focusing on eating "good" fats. The worst fats currently known, are called Trans-fats. Trans fats have been linked to cancer. They occur in fried foods (especially commercial high-temperature fast-frying), most snack foods, and some "substitute" foods (for example, eating margarine rather than butter).

After trans-fats, come Saturated-fats. Like trans-fats, they increase the chances of heart attack and stroke. But saturated fats have also been medically confirmed to suppress fat-burning enzymes in your body. So they not only make you fat - they keep you fat too.

Next are the good fats called Polyunsaturated-fats. Unsaturated fats are essential to eat, because your body needs them and cannot manufacture them on its own. Typical sources are cooking oils, nuts and fish.

Finally, the best fats are called Monounsaturated-fats. One famous, high-nutrition source, of these very healthy essential fats, is olive oil.

The Clock-timing Carb Secret
nutrition carb secrets
(So much for depending upon "nutrition" labels, to identify "healthy" foods!)

After the lie that all fats are bad for you was defeated, the Fake News media replaced it with the equally-misleading belief that all carbs are bad for you. Yes, eating carbs can make you fat. But once again, only if you eat too much, and eat "bad" carbs.

So yet again, a secret for healthy nutrition is to avoid all "bad" carbs, while focusing on eating "good" carbs. The worst carbs are high glycemic index carbs. (To over-simplify, carbohydrate foods that are high in sugar, or that your body quickly converts to sugar.)

These are bad because the higher the glycemic index rating, the more eating that food will spike up your blood sugar level. When that happens, your body must release insulin to prevent you from fainting (or in the extreme case, dying). The problem is, insulin not only counteracts the sugar in your bloodstream, it is also a "signal" hormone that tells your body to store every available calorie as fat.

In other words, eating high glycemic carbs ends up telling your body to make you fatter!

Fortunately, you can avoid this by eating only low glycemic carbs. And scientific studies in animals have confirmed that those restricted to low glycemic diets, maintained both lower blood sugar levels and lower bodyfat levels.

Unfortunately, most of the foods you probably like to eat, are high glycemic. The most obvious food that converts quickly to sugar inside your body is... sugar. So you have to eliminate all sweets: chocolate, candies, cakes, ice cream, and most snack foods.

But it goes much further than that. Lots of foods that don't "look" like sugar, convert to sugar very quickly once you eat them. So you have to eliminate: cereals, bread (even brown), rice (even brown), starch (potatoes, peas, corn) and even fruit (although the fruit "story" is much more complicated).

Fortunately, there are some nutritional "tricks" you can use, to put high glycemic carbs back into your daily eating plan. It requires the right "timing" - both when you eat them during the day, and what order you eat them during a meal. Choosing the right weight loss system - one that is based on nutritional science - usually includes these "tricks" that allow you to eat your favorite foods while losing weight.

The Pivotal Protein Secret

Everyone agrees (even the government) that protein is essential and should be part of every person's eating plan. What they don't agree on, is how much protein per day.

Yes, there is a government recommended amount per day, but most sport science recommends that athletes eat at least double that amount - so protein requirements vary depending upon how much exercise you get.

And it's more complicated than that. Protein is made up of various amino acids, only nine of which are essential for you to eat. These pivotal amino acids cannot be manufactured by your body, so you must obtain them from nutritional foods. To do that, you can choose one of the small number of foods that contain all nine or more often, obtain all nine by strategic combinations of the right foods. Once again, a nutrition-based weight loss system will include food combinations that guarantee you get your pivotal protein requirement.

The Favorite Fiber Secret

There are actually two different kinds of fiber. Insoluble fiber is the kind most people talk about. This is the fiber that keeps you "regular", as it helps move solid waste through your system and out the "back end". As you get older, this becomes more of a problem and so, insoluble fiber becomes a more important part of your daily nutrition.

For weight loss however, soluble fiber is important. Eating soluble fiber slows down your digestion of a meal and so, reduces the elevation the foods cause in your blood sugar level. As we saw above, this will reduce the release of insulin and the storage of bodyfat. This is one of the "tricks" referred to above, that can allow you to eat a wider variety of foods - and even the occasional sugary favorite.

Nutritional Weight Loss
nutritional weight loss

In this article, we've learned several nutrition secrets that can speed up your fat-burning and lead you to weight loss success:

-Stop believing anything you read in or watch on, the Fake News media
-Stay away from the popular, Big Franchise diet plans
-Choose a nutrition plan that is not too strict, so you can avoid the Discipline-Binge cycle
-Choose a nutrition plan that lets you eat enough food, so you never feel hunger pangs
-Eliminate "bad" fats entirely from your nutrition plan
-Reduce high glycemic carbs from your nutrition plan, but use "tricks" to allow the occasional favorite food
-Include lots of protein and fiber in your nutrition plan

To see an example of an excellent nutrition system, that includes many "tricks" to allow you to eat your favorite foods while losing weight fast... read more...